Monday, January 14, 2008

Dodgy Africans

Went to a birthday party in Roppongi, Tokyo, last night - M had arranged a dinner in a sake restaurant, a nomihodai (drink as much as you like), and a good time was had by all. Regrettably I managed to throw a glass of very decent sake over a lovely Japanese lady, with whom I was trying to have a conversation in French at the time - she quite understandably soon thought wiser of this endeavour.

Despite having been in Japan for over a year, I still haven't explored much of Tokyo - but I've heard the area of Roppongi mentioned a fair bit. According to the xenophobic racist mayor of Tokyo, Roppongi is full of dodgy Africans trying to either sell drugs or coax naive gaijin (foreigners) into strip clubs every ten metres or so. Well he's wrong - given my experience last night it's more like every 5 metres.

You want a girl?

No - no thank you very much.

You don't like Japanese girls?

Not at all - we are both happily married.

Yeah - but you like a change - white titties, brown titties, ... green titties...