Monday, February 11, 2008

Crouch End

Just planning my trip to Europe - it starts tomorrow morning and takes in Verona, the Casentino National Park, Florence, Arezzo, Pisa, London, Norwich, Watership Down, and Copenhagen.

My eldest son lives 10 minutes' walk from Highgate cemetery, so I shall spend an hour or two paying my respects to many, among whom are:

the great and very wonderful George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans), novelist

Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and other novels
Jacob Bronowski, scientist, creator of the television series The Ascent of Man
Michael Faraday, scientist
Paul Foot, campaigning journalist
William Friese-Greene, cinema pioneer. The memorial is credited to Edwin Lutyens
Alexander Litvinenko, Russian spy, murdered by poisoning in London
Karl Marx, father of Marxist philosophy, the basis of Communism
Henry Moore, (1841–93)
Ralph Richardson, actor
Christina Rossetti, poet
Herbert Spencer, creator of social Darwinism
Arthur Waley, translator and oriental scholar
Max Wall, comedian and entertainer

(Thanks to wikipedia)