Monday, January 12, 2009


I was up the hill behind my house just now, on the way back from the shop, with tonight's comestibles in my backpack.

I stopped at the wooden platform at the summit, to admire yet another sunset across the windswept bay. Below me a great flock of kite launched itself from the wood, and slowly soared and wheeled apart and together again, leaning into the wind, with hardly a flap of their outspread wings.

Why? Some kind of evening communion perhaps, a final show of solidarity and bonding between a group that spends the day fighting over the titbits below. In the long run we are all together.

Or perhaps they merely want to spread their wings one last time before the fast-coming night envelopes them on their thin chilly perch.

Or perhaps they just love gliding through the air. Can't get enough.

Reminded me of sailing - perhaps the nearest thing we can readily get to that apparently effortless ease of movement through the ether. Same aerodynamic principle. I had an envious urge to climb on the platform rail and launch myself off and join them for a while.