Monday, July 27, 2009

The Foes of Mankind (Axis of Evil)

There will be a sad day comin’
For the foes of all mankind
They must answer to the people
And it’s troubling their mind

Everybody who must fear them
Will rejoice on that great day
When the powers of dictators
Shall be taken all away


There’ll be smoke on the water
On the land and the sea
When our Army and Navy overtakes the enemy
There’ll be smoke on the mountains
Where the Heathen Gods stay
And the sun that is risin’
Will go down on that day

For there is a great destroyer
Made of fire and flesh and steel
Rollin’ toward the foes of freedom
They’ll go down beneath its wheels

There’ll be nothing left but vultures
To inhabit all that land
When our modern ships and bombers
Make a graveyard of Japan

Hirohito ‘long with Hitler
Will be ridin’ on a rail
Mussolini’ll beg for mercy
As a leader he has failed

But there’ll be no time for pity
When the Screamin’ Eagle flies
That will be the end of Axis
They must answer with their lives

This was sung by the same guy:
Satisfied Mind (By Rhodes & Hayes, 1955)
How many times have you heard someone say
"If I had his money, I could do things my way?"
Little they know that it's so hard to find
One rich man in ten with a satisfied mind.
Once I was winning in fortune and fame
Everything that I dreamed for to get a start in life's game
Suddenly it happened, I lost every dime
But I'm richer by far with a satisfied mind
Money can't buy back your youth when you're old
Or a friend when you're lonely, or a love that's grown cold
The wealthiest person is a pauper at times
Compared to the man with a satisfied mind
When my life is ended, my time has run out
My trials and my loved ones, I'll leave them no doubt
But one thing's for certain, when it comes my time
I'll leave this old world with a satisfied mind
I'll leave this old world with a satisfied mind

SWEET are the thoughts that savor of content;
The quiet mind is richer than a crown;
Sweet are the nights in careless slumber spent;
The poor estate scorns Fortune's angry frown.

Such sweet content, such minds, such sleep, such bliss,
Beggars enjoy, when princes oft do miss.
The homely house that harbors quiet rest;
The cottage that affords no pride nor care;

The mean that 'grees with country music best;
The sweet consort of mirth and music's fare;
Obscure life sets down a type of bliss:
A mind content both crown and kingdom is.

Robert Greene
1560 - 1592