Saturday, September 26, 2009

Trampled Rose

Long way going to
Get my medicine
Sky's the autumn grey of a lonely wren

Piano from a window played
Gone tomorrow, gone yesterday

I found it in the street
At first I did not see
Lying at my feet
A trampled rose

Passing the hat in church
It never stops going round

You never pay just once
To get the job done

What I done to you,
I know you've done to me
So what happened to the trampled rose?

In the muddy streets
With the fireworks and the leaves

A blind man with a cup I asked
"Would you play 'Kisses Sweeter Than Wine'?"

I know that rose
Just like I know my name
The one I gave my love,
I swear it was the same
Now I find it in the street,
A trampled rose

Tom Waits

Through bushes and through briars
I lately took my way
All for to hear the small bird sing
And the lambs to skip and play

I overheard my own true love
His voice did sound so clear
Long time I have been waiting for
The coming of my dear

Sometimes I am uneasy
And troubled in my mind
Sometimes I think I’ll go to my love
And tell to him my mind

But if I should go to my love
My love he will say nay
If I show to him my boldness
He’ll ne’er love me again