Tuesday, November 10, 2009

On art and artists

"There is really no such thing as Art. There are only artists."

"... the beauty of a picture does not lie in the beauty of its subject-matter."

"Mickey Mouse does not look very much like a real mouse, yet people do not write indignant letters to the papers about the length of his tail."

"Children sometimes think that stars must be star-shaped, though naturally they are not."

"It is not easy to get rid of these preconceived ideas, but the artists who succeed best in doing so often produce the most exciting works. It is they who teach us to see in nature new beauties of whose existence we have never dreamt. If we follow them and learn from them, even a glance out of our own window may become a thrilling adventure."

Ernst Gombrich
The Story of Art
Enoshima at night
by Kawase Hasui