Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Part of art is about bearing witness - this event, feeling, experience, happened - pass it on. Maybe we can learn from others having had the same or similar experience, their telling us about it.

Developing or living a relationship is like learning a language - we make the decision to start, to embark on this journey, but it is a journey with no fixed destination. Just as we know we will never fully master the language, so we will never completely understand each other - for one thing, we are unlikely to ever fully understand ourselves. But we will try - and that trying, that endeavour is an on-going process of living - living, learning, understanding, enjoying life - through each other. Like a language, we are always changing. We develop, become wiser, learn about the human condition, this human heart within us - we are all at once teachers and students - we teach each other. Don't ever give up.