Sunday, December 7, 2008


It was a bit blowy the other morning, Friday, at the bus stop. Spray shooting over the harbour wall.

Friday night I noticed a few police around, waving their luminescent wands. Thought perhaps the Emperor was staying down the road - I note he's been feeling under the weather lately.

Turns out a large platform thing had gone adrift and landed up on the rocks outside my flat.


The best laid plans of mice and men....

Went to the supermarket and on the way back along the beach pondered the recent bits and bobs I've read on neuroscience - it seems that scientists are making giant leaps in understanding how the brain works. For example, the other day there was a piece in the paper reporting some new neuroscientific research which has revealed the startling truth that if you are happy then people around you tend to be happier too.

Seems to me that a group of blokes sitting round a fire 20,000 years ago probably worked that one out. In fact the more things I read or hear on such brain research the more it seems that scientists are finding physical evidence for what artists, poets, philosophers, old wives have known for millenia.