Saturday, May 31, 2008

IHSM and an oasis

Just been for a walk on a particularly lovely day round some of the predominantly natural but partly man-made beauty around this house. And had a couple of random thoughts on the need to:

Take life seriously without being too serious.

Live for the moment while planning for more moments like this in the future.

Learn from the past without spending too much time in it.

Getting very carried away by this innate harmony seeking module idea (IHSM). Have realised that what a lot of people have been telling me for years is in fact true - that creating a peaceful, harmonious environment, both natural and social, is a goal in life, which I shall endeavour to do something about from now on, with more vigour than heretofore.

One thing to be said about Japanese society and culture, at least traditional JS&C, is that a massive emphasis was put on the blending of the natural and the human into a harmonious whole (to the extent that there is or is not a division between 'natural' and 'human', but you know what I mean - 'natural' refers to what happens without us humans sticking our oar in).

So, while much of modern Japan is an almighty ugly unnatural mess, there are everywhere oases of simplicity, beauty and harmony with nature. The most obvious of these are the temples and shrines, where trees, wood, plants, water, fish and rocks are blended together in an inspiringly beautiful fashion, often.

I have made it my goal to contribute with increased energy and enthusiasm to the development of such an oasis of natural and social harmony and beauty - a place where you can stay for a while, and leave feeling like a better person than when you arrived, or at least you have tapped into some source of beauty that you can carry with you in your heart while you are away.

Sounds good, doesn't it?!