Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Robinson Crusoe

I am blessed with some wonderful friends, scattered around the world, like anchors, and three amazing children, who frequently remind me that they are wiser than their progenitor, which makes one wonder whether Darwin was right. I guess he was talking about the entire race over millenia, and not an individual over a single lifetime.

Offspring number two, for example, told me this morning that while we may not always have romance in our lives, we can have love anytime - we just have to open our hearts.

Brilliant. We are surrounded by and infused with love - as that Hugh Grant film points out - what was the song? Love is everywhere? The trick/lesson/quest in life is how to tap into it - how to access it, and then build it into our everyday actions and behaviour.

Just as we are surrounded by, and infused with, beauty - it's everywhere - it's right in front of your face. And it's within you. We are all beautiful!

Who needs drugs?

Offspring number one just pointed out another very important truth: that we should focus more on what unites us than what separates us.

Also brilliant. We are all simultaneously separate, diverse, different as well as belonging to an amorphous whole, like the individual cells of a sponge, or the single bird in the flock of thousands, or fish in a shoal. Without each other, we are nothing - we don't exist. We are lost in space.

I am reminded of that philosophical (?) question over whether a tree falling in the forest makes any sound if there is no-one there to hear it.

One of my favourite TV programmes as kid in the 60s was Robinson Crusoe - I can recall the theme tune and the opening scene - the black and white waves washing up a monochrome beach - I was almost in love with Robinson Crusoe. But I couldn't understand his angst - his longing to leave the island, risk his life doing so, his passionate delight in finally getting "Man Friday" (and then teaching his 'savage' English'!).

Now I do! (Not the English bit - clarification)

PS. Not sure what amorphous means.

PPS. Come in offspring number three!