Thursday, June 12, 2008

From fine sashimi to eggo muffinu

Shot across Kamakura Bay at 22 knots, eleven miles in 30 minutes flat from Akiya to Enoshima, like skimming across a frozen lake, scattering Tasmanian shearwater and flying fish surprised to meet a massive white sea rocket with two happy men on board.

Quite a day as usual with H. We fixed a fan belt and fiddled on the dive boat, then moved Endeavour to her new mooring while her pontoon is being replaced, before it disengages itself from the main pontoon and floats off out to sea.

Met General Custer, his wife and dog/horse in a 1929 Mercedes Benz, on the way to lunch of raw baby fish (nama shirazu). Then back across the bay, skirting the fishing nets (just), for a sunset beer on the sambashi - the harbour wall/pier - mole?

Dinner on the finest sashimi I have yet eaten, in our local fish restaurant, run by a fisherman, and very decent sake. A small place usually with a queue outside on the pavement. Must try again - 'He who knocks will be let in' (Nick Cave).

Ended up in the university accommodation - traditional Japanese room, tatami mats, communal bathing etc. Thankfully tonight I have my own room. The other night I was in a large tatami space with 8 or so other men, who kept me awake with their coughs and grunts. Longer in bed but less sleep, for the wrong reasons. Ojalla! Woke up and sought breakfast - ended up in McDonalds outside the front gate, with a paper cup of coffee-like substitute and an eggo muffinu.

My life goes from one extreme to the other - dekoboko.