Saturday, June 14, 2008

Under my skin

Took the dinghy out this afternoon, thanks to H, out past the lighthouse and the tori, the gate-thing on the rocks - it's big close up, as you'd imagine. Drifted off into a yunagi - a flat calm that comes in the evening - something about anabatic and katabatic winds, the pressure drops over the land as the sun sets, or vice versa. Suddenly dawned on me that I was heading off out to sea, with no wind, and the sun is setting... Managed to turn her round and point back towards the shore I'd been so keen to get away from an hour or so earlier. Then out of nowhere the wind picks up, and up, and soon I am struggling to stop the water flood over the side - the sky darkens with storm clouds, But hey, it's fun! I shoot straight across the bay and join in the windsurfers in La Chaya bay, skipping across like stones.

End up later on inside La Chaya, with good friends, the best, admiring the best performer of her genre I have seen there - the classic crooner. Great rendition of "I got you under my skin, I gottyu steep into partamee", and so on. Nice bass.