Sunday, June 8, 2008


Went to a hugely enjoyable barbecue yesterday - the food was as eclectic as the guests. Thing about expat life is you find yourself at such gatherings amongst a diverse range of people who would probably not always hobnob if they met elsewhere. Like being in a lifeboat, perhaps. So at one point, for example, there was a hysterical conversation going on between a deep South Texan whose hobbies seemed to include killing as many different animals as possible - "I shot 'im right between the eyes boy!" - and a clearly very well-to-do British Italyophile, who imports absolutely everything from Italy - the bond between them was car engines. The former loves drag racing, while the latter has a collection of a dozen or so classic 60s racing cars in various garages in London. Had a long conversation about goats - seemed to go on for about an hour. Great tequila.