Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Beast

Staggering green waves roar like thunder,
spraying salt-sequined showers in the Sun -
Pulsing like heartbeats from the dark deep.

Ecstatic small children squeal in delight -
'Daddy, can't we stay a bit longer?
Can’t we please? Let’s not go home!’

While unexpectedly fast, predatory foam
Licks at their quick back-pedalling feet,
Chasing up the beach to their smiling Mum -

And the sea seethes back, taking its breath.
A tsunami went over the horizon last night -
This savage same sea hit Samoa and Tonga,

where, satiated, she dragged them under.
The tranquil life-giver can turn from the good
to an indiscriminate bringer of death.