Wednesday, October 7, 2009


The hatches are battened, but the boat’s gone
The road’s flooded and blocked
Drain’s suck and manholes spew
The warm wind whips bottles and branches
Scattered skimming through the streets

The sea's let loose a raging giant
Thrashing thin breakwaters with careless contempt
Three-storey waves crash over beach houses
I'm soaked in my tracks, my trousers drenched
And my socks are full of sand

Feelings about bringing my baby son back home, as a young adult -
and should add my behaviour - was I idiotic to try to save Sakuma's son's house - 2 people died after all. Was I an idiot to then check out the boat - and quite get myself drowned? But I couldn't stay inside - I wanted, had to, needed to do something - I had to be alive - I couldn't just sit back inside and watch it all happen later on TV - above all I wanted to be part of this - no-one could say 'Where were you?'